Marketing Automation

Automated Workflows

Our platform takes care of the heavy lifting with powerful automation workflows that streamline your marketing and sales processes. From lead capture to conversion, our workflows ensure that no leads fall through the cracks and that every prospect is nurtured with the right message at the right time.

Salesgun provide a variety of automated workflows that help businesses to automate repetitive marketing tasks. These workflows may include lead nurturing, Follow up System, email campaigns, social media posting, and more.

You can copy everything from custom fields & values, forms, funnel and website pages to workflow automations, email templates, and more from one client to another via snapshots.

Email & SMS Marketing

Drag and drop Email Designer

Email & Text Message Campaing Reporting

Automate your emails with link actions(Trigger links), Buttons and Forms

World of Beautiful Templates

Get 2-Way SMS Capabilities
In Platforms you can only send text messages but not receive replies.

Salesgun is a true communication platform enabling users to send and reply to text messages, emails, Facebook Messages, Instagram DMs, Google Chats, and Whatsapp.

Email Campaigns Report

Website & Landing Page

Our intuitive platform allows you to create full featured websites with custom menus.
Create high-performing and captivating landing pages all in one place!

With Salesgun's Drag-and-Drop website builder, you can choose from a variety of templates and customise them to match your brand and business needs. Salesgun provides a wide range of customisation options, such as changing colors, fonts, images, and layout elements.
Additionally, you can add new pages, sections, and widgets to their website, including contact forms, pricing tables, and testimonials.

Drag & Drop Surveys & Forms

Built right in is the ability to capture leads through Surveys and capture forms. You can integrate directly with our page builder or embed them on your own sites.

With Salesgun's Drag-and-Drop website builder, you can choose from a variety of templates and customise them to match your brand and business needs. Salesgun provides a wide range of customisation options, such as changing colors, fonts, images, and layout elements.
Additionally, you can add new pages, sections, and widgets to their website, including contact forms, pricing tables, and testimonials.

Generate Leads With a Click

Find Your Ideal Clients, Worldwide

Simply Search, Click and Display hundreds of leads.

Tell Leads about your ideal client and in what city you want to find them,
with one click our search intelligence produces hundreds of results with their contact information.

**We do not scrape any data as scraping is considered an illegal practice.
We use API's and are transparent with all data sources to be sure that we are above reproach with email compliance laws.

Launch a Facebook Ad with 3 clicks

With Facebook Accelerator you no longer have to deal with the complexity of Facebook advertising,
expensive agency services, and lack of control and visibility over your marketing activities.
Salesgun provides proven ads and a user-friendly interface that allows you to launch a campaign in just three clicks.

Social Media Management

Social Media Scheduling

Message your DM’s from FB, IG, GBP all in one place

World of Social Post Templates

Analytics and Reporting

A/B Landing Page Testing

Our dashboard keeps an overview of where the leads are, and how much money has been generated on each phase.

Reporting Facebook Ad, Google Ad, Email Campaign, Text Message Campaign

Tracking & Attribution

Conversion Report
The Conversion Report section will detail your performance by numbers.

This will show you the revenue generated, opportunities, leads closed, total contacts, and sessions.

All this information is plotted in easy-to-digest graphs for you to analyse conversion performance.

Source Report
It details the refer platform, where your lead first clicked from, how many contacts you received from this source, and the opportunities gained.

Call Reporting
Another reporting tool is Call Reporting. This feature shows you the number of calls answered, missed, sources, and total calls.It also lists your previous phone calls so you can monitor and check back.

The platform offers attribution reporting to help you understand
where your leads are coming from.

Join 500+ Customers Who Upgraded To Salesgun

"Salesgun has made me have the ability to scale my business and track all the data that I need to make sure I'm on top of my game This is easily best CRM tool I have used. Fantastic value for money too, which is a bonus."

Parm Padam

CEO | Dialathon

Migrates From Salesforce

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Copyright 2023© All Rights Reserved. Salesgun is a brand of Oceans Digital Solutions Ltd. Oceans Digital Solutions Ltd is a company registered in the UK (Reg 10544837). GDPR compliant.

Information Commissioner’s Office registration number ZA912897Copyright 2023© All Rights Reserved. Salesgun is a brand of Oceans Digital Solutions Ltd. Oceans Digital Solutions Ltd is a company registered in the UK (Reg 10544837). GDPR compliant.

Information Commissioner’s Office registration number ZA912897